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Notice: Please refer to the following for information with regard to the release of “Healthy Tainan, Increased Welfare” Senior Vouchers and Health Care Vouchers.

With the pandemic winding down, economic growth and the successful debt reduction strategies implemented by Tainan City Government in the past three years, Senior Vouchers and Health Care Vouchers of $2,000 NTD will be released to seniors this year (2022). We also have a budget of 1.4 billion NTD scheduled for Senior Vouchers and Health Care Vouchers for next year (2023). Each senior will receive at least $4,000 NTD of Senior and Health Care Vouchers. We are responsible for taking care of the elderly and reduce family burden. Tainan City Mayor, Wei-Che Huang, walks with you!Website: https://pip.moi.gov.tw/V3/B/SCRB0102.aspx