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Introduction to the Natural Environment

1.Division of the Administrative District

The district has a total area of 124.1978 square kilometers, and the administrative district is divided into 16 villages, including Dongshan, Dongjhong, Dongjheng, Sanrong, Dake, Keli, Donghe, Shengsian, Nansi, Shueiyun, Linan, Dongyuan, Lingnan, Nanshi, Cingshan, and Gaoyuan.

2.Geographically Sensitive Areas:

(1). Sinying Purification Plant Water Source Reserve of Jishuei River:

The water source reserve is located upstream on the Jishuei River, and its area stretches from the retaining dam built on the Jishuei River at the Taiwan Sugar Corporation’s Sinying Head Plant in the southeast of Sinying District and covers the area of upstream tributaries and relevant ditches of Gueijhong, Liujhong and Baishuei River in the hinterland, up to the Baihe Reservoir. The entire Dongshan District falls within this water source reserve.

(2). Liujia Fault:

Situated in the foothills between Dongshan and Liujia in Tainan City, the fault is oriented in a north-northeast-direction and extends for approximately 10 kilometers.